127: The Great Outdoors

Ah, the outdoors! Fresh air, lucious greenery, and..... a million things that will try to kill you. So pack up your think and let's head up the summit of outdoors trivia: what to do when killer bees attack? Or when a shark is circling around you? Find out the real way to deal with animal encounters. (Spoiler: yes, movies and TV have been lying to us.) Folk mnemonics, the origin of the Swiss Army Knife, and the very dramatic and weird life of a deer tick. And let's feast on the science behind freeze-dried foods, and we do a live taste test of some of the weirdest camp foods out there.

RUNTIME: 57 minutes 35 seconds


Featured Interlude Music:

"Outside" by Childish Gambino  Amazon | iTunes 


128: Eat Your Veggies!


Fun-Size Mini Show: Bumper Contest!